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Turn the Page on Money Problems

If you’re dealing with poor credit, arguing with your partner, living paycheck to paycheck or struggling to save, these books can help.​

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Money Books, credit, aarp, sisters, money
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When it comes to money, there’s room for all of us to learn more, know more and do more. Whether you’re feeling flush or your finances are on life support, one of these books can help you take your money game to the next level.

Read this if you want to stop living paycheck to paycheck
Girl Get Your Money Straight! by Glinda Bridgforth
Named an “Influential African American” on The Steve Harvey Morning Show and a featured money coach on Oprah’s America’s Debt Diet series, Bridgforth has a way of getting to the root of the challenges Black women face with our money.
Advice from the book: Create a financial goal and do one thing every day to advance it.

Read this if you want to fix your credit
Perfect Credit by Lynnette Khalfani-Cox
A former Wall Street Journal reporter and CNBC correspondent, Khalfani-Cox sought out the best credit advice from bankruptcy attorneys, consumer rights advocates and credit experts to come up with strategies to get you on the way to a perfect credit rating.
Advice from the book: Consider keeping old accounts open; closing them may hurt your credit score.

Read this if you want to stop fighting about money
Financial Intimacy: How to Create a Healthy Relationship with Your Money and Your Mate by Jacquette M. Timmons
When the stock market crashed in 1987, Timmons realized how entwined money was with emotion. Since then, she’s been teaching couples how to identify the root feelings affecting their financial decisions.
Advice from the book: Consider signing a domestic partnership agreement before moving in with your significant other.

Read this if you want to retire rich
Everyday Millionaires by Chris Hogan
Hogan studied millionaires and says in his book that “wealthy people avoid debt.”
Advice from the book: Avoid business loans, home equity loans and credit card purchases you can’t pay off quickly.

Read this if you are starting over financially at midlife
55, Underemployed, and Faking Normal by Elizabeth White
White wrote about her experience as a boomer who found herself in a financial crisis and had to build again.
Advice from the book: Build a resilience circle, a tribe of people in the same boat as you with whom you can share vulnerabilities, support and strategies.

Read this if you want to stop stressing about money
The 21-Day Financial Fast: Your Path to Financial Peace and Freedom by Michelle Singletary
Financial columnist Singletary and her husband Kevin McIntyre also train men and women to serve as financial mentors to others struggling with finances.
Advice from the book: For 21 days, purchase only the bare necessities using cash.

Read this if you’re ready to become debt free
Zero Debt by Lynnette Khalfani-Cox
Khalfani-Cox dug herself out of $100,000 in credit card debt and shares insights on how to do the same – or avoid getting in the debt trap in the first place.
Advice from the book: Opt out of credit card offers at; write down all your debts so you know what you’re dealing with.

Read this if you want to raise money-savvy kids
Do I Look Like an ATM?: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Financially Responsible African American Children by Sabrina Lamb
Lamb founded the financial education organization and shares some of her insights with parents in this instructional book.
Advice from the book: Play board games with kids like Monopoly and Acquire since they can teach us about money, economics and investments.

Read this if you want to change your financial mindset
Real Money Answers for Every Woman by Patrice Washington
Saddled with $18,000 in debt, Washington educated herself about money and in three years became debt-free.
Advice from the book: Commit to a lifestyle of education rather than a lifestyle of entertainment through books, webinars and coaching.

Read this if you want to take control of your finances
Women & Money by Suze Orman
Orman has won eight Gracie Awards, which honor the best radio, television and cable programming for women and by women.
Advice from the book: Create a sentence describing a new financial truth for yourself, write it 25 times daily and speak it 25 times a day for the next six months.