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That’s What Friends Are For

In celebration of National Girlfriends Day, share these heartwarming thoughts from iconic Black women about the blessings of sisterhood.

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image of oprah winfrey and gayle king with friendship quote
Sisters Staff
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In life, we come across countless people. Some are only meant to stay for a season, while others stick around a little longer. But our sister friends will stick it out with us to the end. And chile, where would we be without them? As Sisters From AARP celebrates our fifth anniversary this week, we appreciate you for being a part of this friendly community.

Girlfriends are more than companions. They’re like chosen family and having them in our corner is as comforting as it is enriching. The kindred spirits we’ve been searching for all along, our friends have seen it all. From our trying 20s to our fabulous 50s and beyond, they’ve been there, making every memory fonder, every success sweeter and every woe worth the battle. Even the women we befriend later in life can be instrumental to our personal growth, serving as a reminder that it’s never too late to cultivate meaningful friendships.

As you continue your never-ending journey to your best self, remember that true friends are there to cheer you on every step of the way because they want to see you win. Plus, they help you stay motivated, keep you laughing and most importantly, they always keep it real — whether you like it or not.

From the breakdowns to the breakthroughs, there’s an unbreakable bond that keeps our sister circles tight through it all. And as Black women, we share unique experiences that make for even stronger bonds. To celebrate the friendships that keep our hearts warm, our souls young and our days full of joy, we gathered some inspiring quotes by famous sisters from interviews, documentaries and memoirs. So, grab your girlfriends and a glass of wine, and toast to sisterhood!

“There’s a marked difference between acquaintances and friends. Most people really don’t become friends. They become deep and serious acquaintances. But in a friendship you get to know the spirit of another person; and your values coincide.” — Maya Angelou

“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” — Oprah Winfrey

“Black women have always been friends. I mean, if you didn’t have each other, you had nothing.” — Toni Morrison

“Friendships between women, as any woman will tell you, are built of a thousand small kindnesses ... swapped back and forth and over again.” —  Michelle Obama

“It seems to me that trying to live without friends is like milking a bear to get cream for your morning coffee. It is a whole lot of trouble, and then not worth much after you get it.” — Zora Neal Hurston

“There’s nothing like a conversation with a woman that understands you. I grow so much from those conversations. I need my sisters.” —Beyoncé

“When someone who loves and cares about me compliments me, I feel more glamorous than when the flashbulbs are going off on the red carpet.” — Gabrielle Union

“Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.” — Misty Copeland