Feeling isolated, like you don't belong? You are not alone! Two thirds of Black adults are lonely. Here's what you can do about it.
Since Michelle Obama's hit Netflix series got us talking about finding love after 50, Black women have surprising things to say.
Whether you’re getting to know someone, or you’ve known them forever, these phrases may indicate someone has some growing to do—and you’ve got boundaries to set.
Listen up. Hearing any of these 10 yellow flags in a conversation might mean you're dealing with a difficult person. Here’s what to know.
What Black woman isn’t booked and busy? But juggling work, side hustles, home, parenting, volunteering, relationships and more takes a toll. It’s OK to slow your roll!
No rush. No clockwatching. On some days, it’s a time to grow closer to loved ones. On others, it’s a time to get quiet so that I can hear God’s voice, pray and heal.
Claiming grace puts a smile on one’s face. Yet even Sisters with an attitude of gratitude can be surprised at the amazing blessings we take for granted!
Mountain climbing, solo road trips, escaping abuse, marrying interracially, making it as an artist. You’ll love how these sisters found the inner strength to go there and grow!
Everyone needs love and affection. But with these partners, sisters learned it was time to make a correction!
Here’s proof that good people you can count on for comfort, confidences, card games, coffee talk and care in a crisis will show up if you make space for them.
What’s even better than reading to niece, nephew or grandchild? Reading them stories authored by TV and film's brightest stars.