Personal growth
Taking control of my health has been empowering in ways I never imagined.
"How can I use today’s gifts and challenges to become the next best version of myself?" An actress, author and empowerment coach has the plan.
That incredibly wonderful goal you've been postponing is totally doable with this game-changing approach.
A step at a time, our self-love journeys can lead to greater joy, self-acceptance and growth.
Feeling isolated, like you don't belong? You are not alone! Two thirds of Black adults are lonely. Here's what you can do about it.
Depressed, divorced and grieving, her weight ballooned. She's reclaiming health, healing trauma and telling herself "I love you."
Let these examples of glow-up, perseverance and self-care fuel you for the year ahead. We got this!
My 50th race? The 50th state, Hawaii! Cheering loved ones held flowers and birthday balloons as I crossed the finish line with raised hands praising God and crying!
Whether you’re getting to know someone, or you’ve known them forever, these phrases may indicate someone has some growing to do—and you’ve got boundaries to set.
Listen up. Hearing any of these 10 yellow flags in a conversation might mean you're dealing with a difficult person. Here’s what to know.
What Black woman isn’t booked and busy? But juggling work, side hustles, home, parenting, volunteering, relationships and more takes a toll. It’s OK to slow your roll!