There are free resource many sisterpreneurs overlook! Learn how how your local library can help you get your side hustle off the ground
What Black woman isn’t booked and busy? But juggling work, side hustles, home, parenting, volunteering, relationships and more takes a toll. It’s OK to slow your roll!
These tools and resources won’t cost a dime, but if you’re in business for yourself, they could help you bring in plenty of coin.
I couldn’t let growing a new business shrink my family’s income. Here’s how I’ve maintained 6-figure stability from day one—even after leaving my day job.
When I felt like my life was racing out of control, three things became the pit stops that refueled my peace.
If you’ve built a legacy of leadership in your corporate or nonprofit career, board membership may be right for you.
When a coworker’s comment or behavior minimizes our value, we don’t have to suffer their foolishness. Experts discuss how to respond and get the respect we deserve.
This switch up could help you be more focused, less stressed and on top of your game.
As a 2010 census taker, I earned good money while helping my community claim resources and representation. You can, too. The 2020 census is hiring now.
All work and no play? Side-hustling sisters making money by entertaining, crafting, working out and more show you how to cash in on your passion.
Travel abroad, meet celebrities, get health benefits? Yes, please.
Build in-demand skills and more marketability with free online courses that raise your professional profile.