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Could This Item Be the Secret to a Red-Carpet-Worthy Smile?

High quality removable veneers offer straighter, whiter teeth in seconds. Plus, they might shave years off your appearance.

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beautiful Black woman smiling
JohnnyGreig/Getty Images
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Outside of gray hairs and fine lines, your smile can tell a lot about your age. Our pearly whites become more of a valuable asset with each year, though a little wear and tear is normal. Smiling is associated with youth (research even says so!) — and a well-cared-for set of teeth is a bonus.

Cardi B and Nene Leakes aren’t shy about flaunting their veneers, which are coverings that are permanently bonded to the front of the teeth to conceal any imperfections. They’re purely cosmetic and they don’t come off, but Cardi B made headlines recently when her veneer broke off while eating a hard bagel. At around $1,500 per tooth or $4,000 per tooth in major cities like NYC and L.A., getting veneers isn’t the most feasible option for many sisters.

Our pearly whites become more of a valuable asset with each year. Smiling is associated with youth (research even says so!) — and a well-cared-for set of teeth is a bonus.

"I always like for people to have the best, but I realize that a lot of people just don't have access to thousands of dollars, but they want to have a beautiful smile,” says cosmetic dentist Catrise Austin, D.D.S., who transformed Cardi B’s smile in 2017.

There’s beauty in a tooth gap and a crooked smile. But if you want to camouflage these things, along with missing teeth and stubborn stains, for way less money, temporary veneers, which are removable dental coverings, could be perfect for you.

They get a bad rep mostly due to the “Does everybody know?” concern. Fortunately, veneers have come a long way. They’re great for weddings, high school reunions and other special occasions where there’ll be countless photos snapped. Ever had a tooth pulled? If it’s never been replaced, Austin says neighboring teeth have the tendency to move into that empty space, but frequently wearing a custom device might help prevent some of that shifting.

Less expensive options for a Hollywood smile

The brand Pop On Veneers are custom made from impressions of your own teeth — making them more realistic looking. They’re just under $600 for a full set and come with a 30-day warranty. Instant Smile also makes realistic offerings that won't break the bank, but they’re once size fits all, hence the $15-$37 range. Like any dental device, maintenance is necessary.

"Unlike traditional veneers, [these appliances do not] require any shaving of your natural teeth, explains Austin, who has also treated Missy Elliott, Wendy Williams, Omarosa and Eva Marcille. “If your teeth are already protruding or too long, adding [the] appliance on top is going to only make them more pronounced.”

One caveat? Direct-to-consumer removable veneers are offered in just a few shades, so there’s not much wiggle room if you want them to mimic the color of your natural teeth.

Some of these devices are durable enough to last a few years, but don’t expect them to last a lifetime. “You might have to get a few of these, but at the end of the day, it still won't be the cost that you would invest in traditional porcelain veneers,” says Austin.

Tips for maintaining a healthy smile

  • Be careful when eating certain foods like nuts, crusty bread, popcorn, kettle cooked chips, crunchy pretzels and hard candies as teeth get more brittle with age.
  • Invest in whitening toothpastes, especially if you’re a tea, coffee and red wine drinker and/or eat a lot of vibrant foods like tomato sauces and berries.
  • In addition to maintaining proper oral care, don’t ignore troubling symptoms like a persistent toothache or a slow-to-heal sore. Tooth decay, gum disease and oral cancer are actually more common among adults 65 and older.

What do you like to do to get ready for a special occasion where photos will be taken? Share your thoughts in the comments below.