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We Asked Black Women: ‘What Are You Grateful For?’

Claiming grace puts a smile on one’s face. Yet even Sisters with an attitude of gratitude can be surprised at the amazing blessings we take for granted!

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mature Black woman embracing herself; with a smile
Leland Bobbe/Getty Images
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What are you grateful for? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Recently, I was brunching with a former coworker and somehow my best friend since the age of 14 came up. My coworker stopped me, completely amazed that I was still best friends with someone that I met as a teenager. We laughed for a bit, then she said, “I wish I would have had a best friend like that all these years.” It was at that moment that I realized that even as I’ve cherished this friendship with someone I can trust and count on, I’ve taken its longevity for granted. It really hadn’t dawned on me that everyone didn’t have their own lifetime bestie!

This is the time of year that we all contemplate what we are grateful for. Many of us can quickly list family or good health. But if we really think about it, the list can go on and on. I bet if you take some time to really reflect on all the things, big and small, that you are truly grateful for, they will surely bring a smile to your face and warm your heart.

We asked Sisters, “what’s one thing you are grateful for at this stage in your life?”

I’ve Met a Great Man at Midlife

I am grateful to be in love at 59, really in love! I finally met a man who is perfect for me, and good, and kind and fine! We met on the Bumble dating app, and we’ve been going strong ever since. I don’t want to remarry, and he’s ok with that, and we have a good time. It took me a long time after my divorce to feel normal and happy again and then I found him. He’s a keeper.
Anna Moore, 59, Charlotte, North Carolina

In My 40s, I’m a Family ‘First’

I always wanted to go back to school, and last year I did. I am the first person in my family to go to college and I’m studying psychology. I look forward to getting my degree and helping others go after their dreams. If I can do it, anyone can.
Kim Mobley, 48, Hesperia, California

Good Friends Helped Me Get Through Cancer—to a Full Recovery!

I am grateful for being cancer free! I’ve seen family members and friends get cancer, but I never thought that I would be one of them. It was a trying journey for me, but my daughters and friends rallied around me and lifted my spirits when they were low. I’m so blessed, and I don’t take what I went through for granted.
Rachelle Robbins 62, Montgomery, Alabama

I’m Fulfilled by Family

I am deeply grateful for my family. They have taught me the true value of life. Through them, I am learning that life's greatest gift is to love and cherish the people God has blessed me with. Watching them grow fills my heart with joy, and I am continually reminded to be thankful to God for all He has done and all He will continue to do in our lives. Every day is a precious blessing, and I am in awe of the love and grace that surrounds us.
Marie Russell, 54, Las Vegas

I’m a Story of Success, Love, and Resilience

I was the one who didn’t go to college, but now I am making more, much more than all of my siblings. I know that money isn’t everything, but I am a success story. Even though I still grieve my stillborn daughter every day, I am grateful for the beautiful, smart daughter that I do have. She is the reason that I do everything. It is because of her, my husband, and my career, that I can say that I truly have an abundant life.
Priscilla Robinson, 46, Dallas

I Chose Faith Over Fear and Took Control of My Health

I had a health scare, but I’m still here. My doctor found a lump in my breast and even though it wasn’t even stage one cancer, I had a mastectomy since it was very large. No chemo or radiation, just a clean bill of health. Praise God!
Audrey Givens, 53, Atlanta

What are you grateful for? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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