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This Story is Here to Make You Smile

A childhood treat, a little one’s sleep, a breathtaking view. What does it for you? Sisters share the lovely little things that bring them effortless joy.

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What makes you smile? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

In our day to day lives there are so many things working hard to steal our joy. From the evening news to our all-too-busy schedules, it can be easy to lose sight of the little things that make us happy. Sometimes all we need is a change in perspective to remember what is really important. In the midst of the busyness of our lives, it is good to stop and reflect on the good things, the things that make us smile.

So, I encourage you to think about it. What person, place, thing, sight, smell, sound, flavor or feeling never fails to make you smile? We asked Sisters From AARP readers and their responses are sure to put a smile on your face.

“My mini me, hearing her little laugh, getting a woof of her essence when she walks by. When I hear her say “mommy, I love you,” it reminds me of when I used to say that to my mom and that makes me smile…all roads lead back to my mom.” ~ Minolie, 53

“SweeTARTS candy” –Robbie, 41

“Big Sur, California - just chilling, viewing the coastline is pure bliss.” –Elle, 57

“My daughters’ little faces when they are fast asleep. Nothing sweeter.” –Genel, 40

“My grandmother. Her. Her house. Her photos. Her saved voicemails asking me to give her a call or simply checking on me. Makes me smile, and cry. Every time. My love.” –Kalonji, 48

“The view from one particular place in my house to the backyard. I smile every morning involuntarily when I pass it.” –Marie, 52

“The smell of mint and looking at my dog Storm.” –Kai, 40

“My favorite aunt and our daily calls. When she laughs, I think of my mother who we lost last year.” –GeGe, 42

“Homemade tortillas with butter. They always remind me of home, comfort.” –Rosa, 47

“Seeing a beautifully bloomed white Calla Lily. –Tori, 45

“Not including friends and family, my canine Pharaoh the Doberman.” –Johnnie, 61

What makes you smile? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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