Me Time
Claiming grace puts a smile on one’s face. Yet even Sisters with an attitude of gratitude can be surprised at the amazing blessings we take for granted!
Mountain climbing, solo road trips, escaping abuse, marrying interracially, making it as an artist. You’ll love how these sisters found the inner strength to go there and grow!
When a relationship, job or commitment drains your energy, stepping away from the unfulfilling role may open doors to opportunities and growth, say psychologists.
I was praying right along until the minister said in a kind voice, ‘be quiet and just receive.’ I calmly did as I was instructed, my hands raised toward heaven.
When we were younger, our elders called it fighting our sleep. Here’s a likely reason you’re still doing it—and how to stop.
Here’s proof that good people you can count on for comfort, confidences, card games, coffee talk and care in a crisis will show up if you make space for them.
When a health crisis hit and menopause came early, I turned to something in my nightstand drawer to boost my libido – and no, it’s not what you think.
This little item never fails to reduce my stress, help me remember names, and make me happier, so I won’t leave home without one.
When I felt like my life was racing out of control, three things became the pit stops that refueled my peace.