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June 18, 2024 Issue

Here’s how a simple exercise helps chef Babette Davis stay fit at 73. Plus: A certified personal trainer reveals moves for beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.
, June 13, 2024
Make that two things if you count that they all star in highly anticipated film and streaming projects. A hint: Most have a repertoire of accents.
, June 13, 2024
If you spun vinyl LPs as well as CDs, rewind and go back in time with 60 hit songs from 1965-1980.  Plus: Gen Xer? Learn the #1 song the year you were born.
, June 13, 2024
Want to drop a dress size? Choosing the right yogurt can make a difference if you are working toward a healthy weight. Plus: We’ve got tasty summer recipes!
, June 13, 2024