Video: Meet AARP’s New CEO, Dr. Myechia Minter-Jordan
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December 21, 2021 Issue

Here’s seasonal viewing fun for everyone! Pour some eggnog and cozy up to Christmas specials and TV movies full of music, romance, drama and holiday cheer.
, December 17, 2021
Meanwhile, in her 70s, she feels alienated, angry and alone.
, December 17, 2021
Science has linked lifestyle simplicity to satisfaction. To get more of what you want out of life, consider these ways to get rid of what no longer serves you.
, December 17, 2021
Ladies, let’s fuel our retirement savings by paying less at the pump. Now, about that junk in the trunk …
, December 17, 2021
Editorial director Tracy Sherrod discusses the significance of the esteemed imprint Amistad, and what readers can look forward to.
, December 17, 2021
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