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Lost: 3 Dress Sizes. Gained: Muscle, Curves, Confidence!

Taking control of my health has been empowering in ways I never imagined.

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Kanessa Doss works out at her local gym
Stephanie Eley
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What non-scale victories would you like to achieve on your wellness journey? Which successes are you proudest of so far? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

When I decided to reclaim my health, I had no idea how transformative the journey would be. Looking back now, I see that my decision to lose weight wasn’t just about the scale—it was about rediscovering myself and carving out time for what truly matters.

I live a demanding lifestyle as a college professor, licensed therapist, writer, and mother of three incredible children—two boys and a girl. By day, I’m teaching, researching, and meeting endless deadlines. By night, I’m taking my kids to basketball, baton, and football practices, all while sometimes still getting work done after hours. (Like I will be doing tonight— grading papers.) Juggling these numerous responsibilities has meant that exercise, eating a balanced diet, and even sleep are not prioritized as they should be. For nearly the last twenty years, since the birth of my first child, I have not gotten a proper night’s rest. Let my old fitness device tell it: I averaged less than four hours a night. But like so many other women, I soldiered on caring for everything and everyone else.

At 43, life shifted. Facing a divorce, I began to reevaluate how I was showing up for my kids and myself. I knew I had to make myself a priority and focus on my wellness because I believe if I do well, I can help my family do well during these uncertain times.

Prioritizing myself at last

At 43, life shifted. Facing a divorce, I began to reevaluate how I was showing up for my kids and myself. I knew I had to make myself a priority and focus on my wellness because I believe if I do well, I can help my family do well during these uncertain times. Now more than ever, I must do well to be there for my children. At a time when it felt like things were out of control, I wanted to be an example of resilience and determination for them.

I prayed to God for some guidance. The next day, I received the answer I sought when my neighbor approached me and uttered words I needed to hear, “I’m a personal trainer, and I was wondering if you are interested.” The following week, on April 1st, I started training with her three times a week at her home, and I have not missed a week yet.

Each one-on-one session is spent working on the plan my trainer creates, from circuit training to weightlifting. These sessions are tailored to my health journey. According to, there are nine benefits to using a personal trainer. These include:

  • increased accountability
  • learning about health, fitness and the body
  • support with goal setting
  • creating an individualized plan
  • creating a flexible schedule and format
  • promoting exercise variety
  • receiving nutritional advice
  • improved mental health
  • promotion and support of lifestyle changes

My trainer’s support has been the key piece of the puzzle for me. Not only does having direction motivate me, but having accountability and knowing that someone besides me is invested in my progress pushes me to keep going. Plus, I get to focus on nothing but me for that hour. If a conflict arises, I move my workout to another day or substitute with walking, dancing, or watching workout videos online. But I get it done. It has become such an essential part of my life that one of my sons had to do a school project, and he spotlighted me and said I love working out. Love is a strong word, but working out is a priority.

My trainer’s support has been the key piece of the puzzle for me. Not only does having direction motivate me, but having accountability and knowing that someone besides me is invested in my progress pushes me to keep going. Plus, I get to focus on nothing but me for that hour.

Shifting my mindset

My original goal was based on a number, but as time has passed, that has changed. After a year, you are probably waiting to hear about my grand weight loss win. I wish this were my story, but I am still on that journey. I understood it wouldn’t happen overnight, but I thought it would be quicker than it has been. Since starting, I’ve lost 17 pounds. I have also developed muscle, which weighs more. While I’m proud of the weight loss, it’s just one part of my story. Although I understand the science, it still hurts to think I have been putting in all this work, and this is all I have lost. But my trainer and doctor helped me see there was more to gain than losing weight. It is about becoming healthier, too. What I have gained has outweighed my disappointment with weigh-ins and continues to motivate me daily.

1 / 3 Images
Kanessa Doss working at The Coffee Shop in Aurburn, AL
Stephanie Eley; The Coffee Shop, Auburn, AL
Kanessa Doss working out at her local gym
Stephanie Eley
Kanessa Doss and her daughter eating a healthy meal
Stephanie Eley

Non-scale victories

My triumphant moments are happening off the scale. It is these moments that fill me with pride. These non-scale victories have been the most rewarding parts of this process. Here are just some of my successes:

  • My body is stronger. I’ve gone from struggling to do jumping jacks to conquering them. Lunges were out of the question when I started. But now I can do them. Planks! I can do planks now. They are still a work in progress, but I am coming for my brother, who can hold a plank for 3 minutes.
  • My clothes fit differently. Even my workout clothes have started to loosen because I have dropped sizes. I was once an 18W/20W, and now I can wear 16W garments. I even have a pair of 14Ws that I am almost in.
  • My breathing has improved.
  • My sciatic nerve pain is easing.

In addition, it just feels great when people say there is something different about me, but they cannot put their finger on it. I say to myself, “Yes, it is working.”

Since starting this journey, my mindset has shifted also. I am open to new things, embracing new experiences, cultivating new friendships, learning to crochet, and diving into a new book club.

Discovering what works for me

I am learning to fuel my body differently. A lot of the work takes place at the table. With my busy life, I admit I rarely eat a balanced meal, if I eat at all. Plus, stress is a big part of my life. When I felt stressed, sugar was my go-to. Now that I understand this, I am working to limit my sugar intake, saying goodbye to double swirls in my coffee and choosing herbal teas that I can drink without adding sugar. Cutting back on sugar has been another key to my weight loss. As noted by in their article entitled Tips for Cutting Down on Sugar, “The empty calories from added sugars in desserts, sweetened beverages and candy can lead to weight gain.” So, I am working on making better choices and adding fresh fruits, proteins, and vegetables. I am prioritizing healthy eating as I work on consistency.

It feels great when people say there is something different about me, but they cannot put their finger on it. I say to myself, “Yes, it is working.”

This is my time, and I’m living life fully!

Taking control of my health has been empowering in ways I never imagined. This journey has taught me that wellness is cultivating a healthy balance between movement and rest. This helps me grow, maintain my mental, spiritual, and emotional life, and live my best. One of my New Year’s resolutions is to get better sleep to optimize my health journey. Still, I am reaping the benefits along the way. Since starting this journey, my mindset has shifted also. I am open to new things, embracing new experiences, cultivating new friendships, learning to crochet, and diving into a new book club. Every step I take is toward becoming the best version of myself, and I’m not done yet. This is my time.

My advice for anyone considering their health journey is simple: Put in the work, but don’t discount the non-scale victories. The results, both on and off the scale, will amaze you.

What non-scale victories would you like to achieve on your wellness journey? Which successes are you proudest of so far? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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