Video: Meet AARP’s New CEO, Dr. Myechia Minter-Jordan
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Stephannie Senegal

Stephannie Senegal

Stephannie Renee’ Cooper Senegal has worked in public health for 30 years with roles in school health, child health clinics and community outreach. She earned her undergraduate nursing degree at Grambling State University, Grambling, La. and she was initiated into the Alpha Theta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. She received her Master’s in Nursing from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and she currently works as the nursing supervisor for Nurse- Family Partnership, she is also a Family Nurse Practitioner. Stephannie is the mother of 2 amazing sons, Joshua and John (LJ). This proud Louisiana native is also the owner of Miss Renee and the 2 J’s Praline Candy Company.
Stephannie Senegal's Articles
When I lost touch with mine, I realized how important they are.
, June 28, 2019