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Sherry Blake, Ph.D.

Dr. Sherry Blake, a licensed clinical psychologist, is one of the most highly sought-after media experts in the area of mental health in the country. Dr. Sherry has been featured on numerous primetime networks and radio and in print media, including CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and HLN. Dr. Sherry has authored two books, The Single Married Woman, and her latest, Care for the Caregiver: Surviving the Emotional Roller Coaster. As a result of her work in the media, she reaches millions of viewers, which allows them to see the value of mental health services.
Sherry Blake, Ph.D.'s Articles
Meanwhile, in her 70s, she feels alienated, angry and alone.
, December 17, 2021
Plus: Alone and anxious due to COVID-19 fears. Got a dilemma? Share it with Dr. Sherry.
, November 12, 2021
Plus: Dreading frequent visits from a toxic relative. Are you dealing with a dilemma? Share it with Dr. Sherry.
, October 15, 2021
Living with a partner when you’re no longer in love. Plus: Coping with hair loss.
, September 17, 2021
Grudgingly giving up remote work. Plus: worrying about aging alone.
, August 20, 2021