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Rebekah Sager

Rebekah Sager is an award-winning journalist and published author with over a decade of experience. She has contributed to the Washington Post, Hollywood Reporter, Playboy, VICE, and more. Her work is featured in the anthology “Chicken Soup for the Soul: I'm Speaking Now: Black Women Share Their Truth in 101 Stories of Love, Courage, and Hope.” She is a senior staff writer with Daily Kos.

Rebekah Sager's Articles
’Tis the season to cook up memories. And let’s not forget black-eyed peas for the New Year!
, December 8, 2023
Online gardening groups for Black women connect us with nature, encourage outdoor exercise, and help build healthy communities.
, May 19, 2023
Crushing deadline? Piles of paperwork? Learn a free, easy and evidence-based tip that may boost relaxation, mood and focus.
, March 10, 2023
Who’s your go-to for calm in a crisis, advice at a crossroads, a glam glow up, the receipts on what went down, a big belly laugh or a push toward bigger dreams?
, November 18, 2022
Need delightful quality time with yourself? Sisters ages 40 through 60- plus share how they recharge during 24 guilt-free hours.​
, July 22, 2022
Starting in second grade, I’ve learned again and again that ‘looking just a little bit Black’ isn’t a compliment or an advantage.
, March 25, 2022
Get schooled by Issa Rae, Shonda Rhimes, Tiffany Haddish, Roxane Gay and others. Here are places to stream and enjoy inspiring life lessons.
, February 17, 2022
I was approved for an 8 percent discount on my auto policy after spending just a few hours taking the AARP Smart Driver™ Course online.
, January 7, 2022
These lit gatherings offer us a chance to expand our libraries, connect with like-minded readers, even chat directly with authors.
, November 5, 2021
As a teen, I lashed out because she’d left me. It took a milestone of adulthood to realize she loved me.
, October 29, 2021