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Katti Gray

Award-winning health and criminal justice journalist Katti Gray writes for a range of national publications. She’s a Center on Media, Crime and Justice contributing editor and the New York University Urban Journalism Workshop's program director.
Katti Gray's Articles
Surprised sisters discover they have more energy, better moods, easier weight loss, less pain, better sex and happier relationships.
, April 9, 2021
When we struggle to manage nutrition or blood sugar because of cravings, what we do in the bedroom, not just the kitchen, puts us back in control.
, September 3, 2020
Black women are likelier than others to lack a partner or children at age 50. But stats on “kinlessness” ignore the bonds we create with sisters who aren’t blood.
, April 24, 2020
The easy strategies these three sisters used can curb your addiction and help wean you off the white stuff.
, September 27, 2019
Hungry for some collards or sweet potatoes? Many of the soul food staples we grew up eating are packed with phytonutrients. Here’s our pick of the nutrition crop.
, September 21, 2018
Growing our own food is good medicine: Meet sowing sisters reaping the benefits of good health.
, August 31, 2018