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Spike Carlett

Carlett Spike

Carlett Spike is a New Jersey-based writer and editor who writes a little of everything from race issues to health and food. Her bylines have appeared in Shondaland, New Jersey Monthly, and Columbia Journalism Review among other outlets.
Carlett Spike's Articles
If you’ve made a video call, had an MRI, strolled an unspoiled beach or sent a GIF, these pioneering Black women just might have bettered your world.
, January 13, 2023
If you enjoy vegan mac ’n’ cheese, gardening, Black-owned restaurants, frugal recipes or dandelions in your salad, you’ll want to know about these women.
, October 7, 2022
We’re grateful to Serena, Lizzo, Laverne, Debbie, Michelle and others for reminding us that no matter our shape, size, age or coloring, we are beautiful.
, October 3, 2022
Shaper No. 3, Nikole Hannah-Jones, has said of her crimson coils: “This is for every Black girl who’s been told she has to shrink herself or her Blackness in order to succeed.”
, July 1, 2022
Sweltering streets. Toxic tap water. Parched pastureland. People of color bear the brunt of pollution’s effects worldwide. Meet Black women fighting to protect us — and the planet.
, April 1, 2022
We can’t heal what we won’t reveal. Naomi, Simone, Oprah, Meghan, Dr. Joy, Taraji and others use their platforms — and their personal stories — to support emotional self-care.
, September 24, 2021
What rituals of fulfillment, grace and self-care will you enjoy today? Sisters share how they treat themselves well.
, July 16, 2021
Today, put your desires first and claim love, confidence, respect, vitality and prosperity. Unlock your happiest life with these golden keys.  
, April 1, 2021
We thought we knew the stories of Billie, Whitney, Aretha, Toni, Wendy and Michelle. These revealing films proved us wrong.
, March 12, 2021
You loved our list of books by literary legends that are worth rediscovering. So, we’re back with more recommended titles by Roxane Gay, Toni Morrison and others.
, May 29, 2020